Just talk to Brad or Jena Behle. They're full of fun ideas! Sadly, this is what it looks like. The 4 of us, all adults, toilet papered a friend who shall not be named's house. The best part about it was that it was at 10:30 at night! And we had to get the neighbor's permission! They were out on thier front porch and we didn't want them to think we were doing something bad. So we asked them if it was okay. They even offered us more toilet paper to use! It was so funny. Jena and I were just happy that we talked Jared and Brad into buying the toilet paper we used. They wanted to go steal it from Mcdonalds! If anything, it sure made us feel like teenagers again. Stay tuned because "Penny tapping" is on the adgenda for next weekend!
Did Parker join in the fun?? :)
Heck no! This was an adult only adventure. Besides, we didn't want him to get in the toilet paperign habit too early in life. We're really good parents :)
This looks like so much fun! What a riot.
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